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Dartmouth's New Center for Imaging Medicine Sponsors OSA Biomedical Optics Congress

Feb 16, 2016

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In April this year, the Center for Imaging Medicine (CIM) at Dartmouth will serve as Platinum Sponsor of The Optical Society (OSA) Biomedical Optics Congress during the Society’s historic 100-year celebration. Entitled "Translating Biomedical Optics from the Scientific Bench to Clinical Practice," this Congress will gather global experts to exchange information on optical technologies for advancing biological and medical research and improving clinical outcomes. The Congress will take place from April 25–28 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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"The Center is extremely excited to sponsor this premiere OSA event," commented CIM Co-Director Brian Pogue, Professor and Director of MS and PhD Programs at Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, and an OSA Fellow. "The Biomedical Optics Congress is a new OSA event focusing on innovative technological solutions to medical challenges. It is a unique and well-timed opportunity to promote the launch of Dartmouth's Center for Imaging Medicine, one of the largest collaborative hubs for optics in medicine research in the country."

The world's leading professional association in optics and photonics, OSA expects nearly 500 international attendees, including engineers, optical and medical scientists, and physicians, to discuss applications and approaches for bringing medical solutions from the lab to the clinic.

Led by faculty at both Thayer School of Engineering and Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, CIM brings together many of the things needed to support translational biomedical research: technological innovation, experiential learning, and entrepreneurial collaboration among Dartmouth faculty, medical experts, and national investigators. With 16,000 square feet of newly constructed research space at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center campus, CIM offers a unique environment for accelerating clinical translation of technology and affording rapid exchange of ideas. The Center will build on Thayer School's strong history of outreach through annual workshops at Dartmouth arranged jointly with Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Geisel School, and now Synergy at Dartmouth. Through member projects ranging from basic science to integrated systems and human clinical trials, CIM is at the leading edge of creation, testing, and deployment of new imaging systems and sensors, development of image-guidance methodologies, and realizing open source software tools.

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