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2,176 Students Offered Acceptance to the Class of 2020

Apr 08, 2016   |   by Bill Platt   |   Dartmouth Now

Dartmouth has offered 2,176 students acceptance to the Class of 2020—a socioeconomically, culturally, and geographically diverse group that includes the highest percentage of students of color in the College’s history...

...The accepted students come from a group 20,675 applicants, representing an admission rate of 10.5 percent. Included in the number of accepted applicants are 494 early decision students and 10 veterans admitted through Dartmouth’s affiliation with the Posse Foundation. Admissions officers expect to enroll 1,120 students in the Class of 2020...

...Of the students who declared an interest in an academic discipline, 43 percent named the sciences, 32.7 picked the social sciences, 9.8 chose the humanities, and 9.7 percent listed interdisciplinary studies as their primary interest; 4.2 percent were undecided.

Engineering led the top 10 list of academic interests expressed by admitted students for the third year in a row, followed by economics, biology, government, computer science, neuroscience, mathematics, English, chemistry, and history.

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