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MS Thesis Defense: Pritom Chowdhury



11:00am - 1:00pm ET

Rm B01 (Zaleski Auditorium), MacLean ESC

"Towards a Wearable Device for Measuring Impedance Plethysmography of the Radial Artery"


Recent advancements in bioimpedance technology have demonstrated significant promise in the application of cardiac health monitoring. This research explores the design and development of a forearm-based wearable bioimpedance device for non-invasive measurement of heart rate and respiratory rate at an accuracy level comparable to medical-grade monitors. It utilizes a tetrapolar electrode configuration to analyze bioimpedance changes in the radial artery due to blood flow.

An ongoing aspect of this work involves the preliminary development of an embedded framework intended to integrate signal generation, acquisition, and processing within the device to achieve compact and efficient system design, anticipated to contribute to its overall performance. However, current efforts focus on addressing the technical challenges inherent in such integration, including its impact on improving signal fidelity and device usability.

Bioimpedance-based wearables have further potential in correlating the resulting signals to several complex cardiac diseases such as COPD, Asthma and CHF. Unlike photoplethysmography (PPG) based systems, bioimpedance can directly measure multidimensional physiological data relevant to cardiac health including fluid balance, tissue composition and thoracic fluid content. These measurements are less susceptible to external factors like motion artifacts and skin pigmentation, offering a consistent and reliable method for long-term monitoring in diverse populations and non-clinical settings. This capability to correlate changes in bioimpedance with cardiac functions presents avenues for early detection and nuanced monitoring of complex cardiac conditions, potentially offering a more comprehensive understanding of the patient's cardiovascular health. Additionally, the integration of advanced bioimpedance monitoring into wearable devices also allows for personalized healthcare and remote patient monitoring, thus promising enhanced diagnostic accuracy and patient convenience.

Thesis Committee

  • Professor Kofi M. Odame (Chair)
  • Professor Ryan Halter
  • Professor William Scheideler


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