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Jones Seminar: Resonance Phenomenon in Sensing—Only a Matter of Time



3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium/Online

Optional Zoom link
Meeting ID: 949 9997 2259
Passcode: 666637

The field of micro- and nano-sensors has rapidly evolved over the last couple of decades with many of the highest performance devices exploiting the phenomenon of resonance for sensing. Micro- and nano-scale designs, fabrication, and integration of new materials offer unique opportunities for innovative, novel, and robust sensor configurations. Examples of micromachined electromechanical, acoustic, optical, and nanoscale resonator devices will be presented. Resonator-based sensors including temperature and infrared sensors, magnetic sensors, and chemical and biological sensors will be discussed. An overview of critical design considerations such as resonator geometry, the Q-factor, and performance advantages of these devices will be presented.

About the Speaker(s)

Srinivas Tadigadapa
Chair & Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern U

Srinivas Tadigadapa

Srinivas Tadigadapa is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University. Prior to that, he was a professor of electrical engineering at Penn State. Tadigadapa's primary research interest is microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and the design, optimization, fabrication, and testing of MEMS transducers. More specifically, his focus is on fabrication of novel micro- and nano-sensors and actuators by integrating non-traditional materials using silicon microfabrication techniques and exploring phenomenon at the micro-nano interfaces. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers and is the inventor on ten patents. He was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship in Germany and the Walton fellowship by the Science Foundation of Ireland and is the recipient of the Meritorious Service Award from IEEE Sensors Council. He is a fellow of IEEE, The Institute of Physics, London, and a life-fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. He is the founding editor of IEEE Sensors Letters.


For more information, contact Amos Johnson at