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Jones Seminar: Quantum Computing in Power Systems



3:30am - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium/Online

Optional ZOOM LINK
Meeting ID: 949 9997 2259
Passcode: 666637

Today's power systems are suffering from ever-increasing computational burdens in sustaining expanding communities and deep integration of renewables, as well as managing gigantic volumes of data accordingly. These unprecedented challenges call for transformative analytics to support the resilient operations of power systems. Recently, the swift growth of quantum computing techniques has ignited new hopes of revolutionizing power system computations. Quantum computing harnesses quantum mechanisms to solve traditionally intractable computational problems, which may lead to ultra-scalable and efficient power grid analytics.

This talk will cover the emerging quantum computing techniques in power systems and will include a comprehensive overview of existing quantum-engineered power analytics from operational perspectives, including static analysis, transient analysis, stochastic analysis, optimization, stability, and control. Relevant quantum algorithms, their benefits and limitations, hardware implementations, and recommended practices will be discussed, as well as, if time permits, quantum networking techniques for ensuring the cybersecurity of power systems in the quantum era.

About the Speaker(s)

Peng Zhang
SUNY Empire Innovation Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook U

Peng Zhang

Peng Zhang received his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is a professor of electrical and computer engineering and a SUNY Empire Innovation Professor at Stony Brook University, NY. He has a joint appointment at Brookhaven National Laboratory as a staff scientist and was a system planning engineer at BC Hydro and Power Authority from 2006–2010.

Zhang's research interests include AI-enabled smart grids, quantum-engineered power grids, networked microgrids, power system stability and control, cybersecurity, and formal methods and reachability analysis. He is a member of CIGRE, and an editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Power and Energy Society Letters, and IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.


For more information, contact Ashley Parker at