Jones Seminars on Science, Technology, and Society

Jones Seminars invites engineering, science, and technology leaders from across the nation to present and facilitate conversation on cutting edge research or scientific issues of our day. 

This endowed speaker series was launched in the 1970s through the generosity of Charles C. Jones '18 Th'19, who sought to facilitate conversation and learning for the curious-minded. All Dartmouth faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the general public are welcome to attend the seminars, typically held on Friday afternoons. PhD students are required to attend weekly, as well as meet before or after each event to discuss its topic in more detail.

If you would like to receive email reminders about the weekly Jones Seminars, please email with your email address.

Upcoming Events



Jones Seminar: Electronics on Anything—How thin film electronics can instrument the world

Ioannis (John) Kymissis, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University

3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium, Cummings Hall/Online

The hybrid integration enabled by new semiconductor process options allows for active and spatially localized control of systems.



Jones Seminar: Operations Engineering in Healthcare—Many different ways to make impact

Amy Ellen Mainville Cohn, Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, U Michigan

3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium, Cummings Hall/Online

Examples and opportunities for operations research to make both theoretical and societal impact.



Jones Seminar: Experimental Insights into Glacier Slip

Luke Zoet, Chair of Geoscience, U Wisconsin-Madison

3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium, Cummings Hall/Online

Using a novel experimental device that can slip a ring of temperate ice atop a sediment bed to determine basal shear stress and slip velocity.

Past Events