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Jones Seminars on Science, Technology, and Society

Jones Seminars invites engineering, science, and technology leaders from across the nation to present and facilitate conversation on cutting edge research or scientific issues of our day. 

This endowed speaker series was launched in the 1970s through the generosity of Charles C. Jones '18 Th'19, who sought to facilitate conversation and learning for the curious-minded. All Dartmouth faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the general public are welcome to attend the seminars, typically held on Friday afternoons. PhD students are required to attend weekly, as well as meet before or after each event to discuss its topic in more detail.

If you would like to receive email reminders about the weekly Jones Seminars, please email with your email address.

Upcoming Events



Jones Seminar: Distributed Energy Resources Under Net Energy Metering—Optimal decisions and adoption dynamics

Ahmed Alahmed, Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT

3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium/Online

Novel energy management systems and the effect of various NEM implementations on the adoption dynamics of renewable energy sources.



Jones Seminar: Glacier Sliding Controlled by Subglacial Water Flow

Colin Meyer, Assistant Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth

3:30pm - 4:30pm ET

Spanos Auditorium, Cummings Hall

Fluid physics of the subglacial system, the time evolution of subglacial channels, and how to slow down sea-level rise.

Past Events