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Dartmouth Designs to Teach the Whole Student



1:00pm - 2:00pm ET


DCAL's Accessible Dartmouth Initiative team is honored to host guest speaker Lillian Nave in this virtual session.

Who are our students? How can we leverage the diversity and variability of the Dartmouth student body to create richer, more nuanced educational environments using a strength-based, talent-focused approach? Based on Universal Design for Learning principles and through the lens of learner variability, we will examine how to teach the whole student and decrease friction without reducing rigor. In doing so, we will align with Dartmouth's values and vision to create a "vibrant, inclusive learning environment" that "embraces diversity" in a collaborative community.

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About the Speaker(s)

Lillian Nave
Senior Lecturer, Appalachian State

Lillian Nave is a Senior Lecturer in First Year Seminar focussing on Intercultural Competence and is the CETLSS (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success) Coordinator at Appalachian State's Hickory Campus where she leads faculty development initiatives and implements Universal Design for Learning programs for both campuses. As the host of the Think UDL podcast, she interviews practitioners all over the world who are improving educational environments through equitable and inclusive practices based on the UDL principles. She writes scholarly and practical pieces on UDL implementation and shares this scholarship in articles, podcasts, workshops, and presentations.


For more information, contact Carly Lesoski at