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Dartmouth Faculty Seminar Series: Climate & Energy



12:30pm - 1:30pm ET

Irving Institute/Online

Join the Irving Institute for the second session of this new series on climate and energy to hear engineering professors Fiona Li and Jifeng Liu present on their current research on energy.

Where: Svante Arrhenius Executive Conference Room — third floor (33 Tuck Mall in Hanover) or via Zoom

Lunch provided for in-person attendees who register by March 27!


About the Series

The Dartmouth Faculty Seminar Series on Climate and Energy is a new series of talks by and for Dartmouth faculty and researchers. The goal of the series is to enable our campus community to integrate knowledge from a broad range of disciplines at Dartmouth, learn about each other’s work, support faculty-to-faculty engagement, and brainstorm potential solutions to the climate crisis.

About the Speaker(s)

Weiyang (Fiona) Li
William P. Harris Career Development Assistant Professor of Engineering

Professor Li's research primarily focuses on the development of functional materials with finely tailored composition and architecture to tackle critical problems in diverse energy-related applications, especially in cost-effective and high-energy battery systems.

Jifeng Liu
Professor of Engineering

Professor Liu's research interests include optoelectronic materials and devices; integrated nanophotonics for energy-efficient Information Technologies (Green IT); nanomaterials and nanostructures for solar cells and thermophotovoltaic cells; and infrared and ultraviolet optical sensors.


For more information, contact Irving Institute for Energy and Society at