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Steven A. Arcone

Adjunct Professor of Engineering

Research Geophysicist, CRREL (retired)

Research Interests

Geophysical exploration, theory and experimentation with ground-penetrating radar; electrical properties of sediments, ice, firn and snow; airborne and ground-based radar characterization of permafrost, glaciers, glacial geology, and subbottoms of rivers and lakes; ground wave propagation and scattering


  • BS, Cornell University 1965
  • MEE, Cornell University 1966
  • PhD, Dartmouth 1977


  • Geophysics, Outstanding Reviewer, 2015
  • US Army Research & Development Achievement Award, 1976; 1987; 1995; 2002; 2008
  • US Army Superior Civilian Service Award, 2002
  • Water Resources Research, Outstanding Reviewer, 1996

Professional Activities

  • Member, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
  • Member, American Geophysical Union
  • Special Editor, Geophysics

Selected Publications

  • Arcone, S.A., J.H. Lever, L.E. Ray, B.S. Walker, G. Hamilton, and L. Kaluzienski, 2016, Groundpenetrating radar profiles of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, acquired with an unmanned rover: Interpretation of crevasses, fractures, and folds within fim and marine ice, Geophysics, 81(1), WA21-WA34. doi: 10.1190/GE02015-0132.1
  • Dugan, H.A., S.A. Arcone, M.K. Obryk, and P.T. Doran, 2016, High-resolution ground-penetrating radar profiles of perennial lake ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Horizon attributes, unconformities, and subbottompenetration, Geophysics, 81(1), WA13-WA20. doi: 10.1190/GE02015-0159.1
  • Arcone, S.A., and G.E. Boitnott, 2016, Maxwell-Wagner relaxation in two desert soils at medium and high water contents: Interpretation from modeling of time domain reflectometry data. IEEE J. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Obsv. and Remote Sensing, 9, 201-211, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2436822
  • Dugan, H., Doran, P.T., Wagner, B., Kenig, F., Fritsen, C.H., Arcone, S.A., Kuhn, E., Ostrom, N.E., Warnock, J.P., and Murray, A.E., 2015, Stratigraphy of Lake Vida, Antarctica: hydrologic implications of 27m of ice, The Cryosphere, 9, 1-12, doi: 10.5194/tc-9-1-2015
  • Dugan, H., Doran, P.T., Tulaczyk, S., Mikucki, J.A., Arcone, S.A., Auken, E., Schamper, C. and Virginia, R.A., 2015, Subsurface imaging reveals a confined aquifer beneath an ice-sealed Antarctic lake, Geophys. Rev. Let., doi: 10.1002/2014GL062431
  • Spaulding, N.E., Higgins, J.A., Kurbatov, A.V., Bender, M.OL., Arcone, S.A., and 5 others, 2013, Climate archives from 90 to 20 ka in horizontal and vertical ice cores from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica, Quaternary Res., 80, 562-574
  • Liu, L., Li, Z., Arcone, S., Fu, L. and Huang, Q., 2013, Radar wave scattering loss in a densely packed discrete random medium: Numerical modeling of a box-of-boulder experiment in the Mie regime, J. Appl. Geophys., 99,68-75
  • Arcone, S.A., S. Campbell and T. Pfeffer, 2014, GPR profiles of glacial till, and its transition to Bedrock: Interpretation of water content, depth and signal loss from diffractions, J. Envir. Eng. Geophys., 19 (4), 207-228, doi: 10.2113/JEEG19.4.207
  • Campbell, S., Kreutz, K., Wake, C., Osterberg, E., Arcone, S., Introne, D., Winski, D., and Volkening, K. 2012. Melt regimes, internal stratigraphy, flow dynamics, and glaciochemistry of three glaciers in the Alaska Range, J. Glaciology. 58(207). 99-109. doi:10.3189/2012JoGIOJ238
  • Campbell, S., Kreutz, K., Wake, C., Osterberg, E., Arcone, S., Winski, D., and Volkening, K. 2012. Flow dynamics of an accumulation basin: A case study of the upper Kahiltna Glacier on Mount McKinley, Alaska, J. Glaciol. 58(207). 185-195. doi:10.3189/2012JoG10J233
  • Campbell, S., Roy, S., Kreutz, K., Arcone, S., Koons, P., Osterberg, E. 2013. Strain Rate Estimates for Crevasse formation at an Alpine Ice Divide: Mount Hunter, Alaska. Ann. Glaciol. 54(63), 200–208
  • Winski, D., Kreutz, K., Osterberg, E., Campbell, S., Wake, C., Arcone, S., Kelsey, E., Volkening, K., Hawley, R. 2012. High Frequency Observations of Melt Effects on Snowpack Stratigraphy, Kahiltna Glacier, Central Alaska Range, Hydro Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.9348