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Matthew McGarry

Associate Professor of Engineering

Seminar on the development of "magnetic resonance elastography" which uses various types of mechanical waves to form images.


Matt grew up in Nelson, New Zealand, and studied mechanical engineering for his BE and Master's degrees at the University of Canterbury. His PhD at Thayer focused on improving and evaluating an inverse problem formulation for magnetic resonance elastography, where the mechanical properties of tissue are mapped to diagnose and monitor a wide range of diseases. He has also worked in ultrasound imaging of arteries and a range of cancers.

Research Interests

Numerical methods; inverse problems; elastography; soft tissue imaging


  • BE, Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2006
  • ME, Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2008
  • PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Dartmouth 2013

Research Projects

  • Magnetic resonance elastography

    Magnetic resonance elastography

    Magnetic resonance elastography is being developed as a technique to measure the elasticity of tissue in vivo by gently shaking the tissue in a magnetic resonance imager. The displacements measured are used to determine tissue mechanical properties which can help identify and classify breast lesions. See also Discovering at Thayer School.

Selected Publications

  • Mcgarry, M., Li, R., Apostolakis, I., Nauleau, P. and Konofagou, E.E., 2017. In vivo repeatability of the pulse wave inverse problem in human carotid arteries. Journal of Biomechanics, (in press).
  • Mcgarry, M., Li, R., Apostolakis, I., Nauleau, P. and Konofagou, E.E., 2016. An inverse approach to determining spatially varying arterial compliance using ultrasound imaging. Physics in medicine and biology, 61(15), p.5486.
  • Schwarb, H., Johnson, C.L., McGarry, M.D. and Cohen, N.J., 2016. Medial temporal lobe viscoelasticity and relational memory performance. Neuroimage, 132, pp.534-541.
  • McGarry, M.D.J., Johnson, C.L., Sutton, B.P., Georgiadis, J.G., Van Houten, E.E.W., Pattison, A.J., Weaver, J.B. and Paulsen, K.D., 2015. Suitability of poroelastic and viscoelastic mechanical models for high and low frequency MR elastography. Medical Physics, 42(2), pp.947-957.
  • McGarry, M., Johnson, C.L., Sutton, B.P., Van Houten, E.E., Georgiadis, J.G., Weaver, J.B. and Paulsen, K.D., 2013. Including spatial information in nonlinear inversion MR elastography using soft prior regularization. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 32(10), pp.1901-1909.
  • Johnson, C.L., McGarry, M.D., Gharibans, A.A., Weaver, J.B., Paulsen, K.D., Wang, H., Olivero, W.C., Sutton, B.P. and Georgiadis, J.G., 2013. Local mechanical properties of white matter structures in the human brain. Neuroimage, 79, pp.145-152.
  • Weaver, J.B., Pattison, A.J., McGarry, M.D., Perreard, I.M., Swienckowski, J.G., Eskey, C.J., Lollis, S.S. and Paulsen, K.D., 2012. Brain mechanical property measurement using MRE with intrinsic activation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57(22), p.7275.
  • McGarry, M.D.J., Van Houten, E.E.W., Johnson, C.L., Georgiadis, J.G., Sutton, B.P., Weaver, J.B. and Paulsen, K.D., 2012. Multiresolution MR elastography using nonlinear inversion. Medical Physics, 39(10), pp.6388-6396.
  • McGarry, M.D.J., Van Houten, E.E.W., Perrinez, P.R., Pattison, A.J., Weaver, J.B. and Paulsen, K.D., 2011. An octahedral shear strain-based measure of SNR for 3D MR elastography. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56(13), p.N153.
  • McGarry, Matthew DJ, and Elijah EW Van Houten. "Use of a Rayleigh damping model in elastography." Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 46.8 (2008): 759-766.


Imaging the Mechanics of the Brain Using MRI (Seminar)