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Mark Laser

Associate Professor of Engineering

Research Interests

Biomass conversion; sustainable energy and development; process design and evaluation; integrated food and energy systems; life cycle assessment


  • BS, Chemical Engineering, Cornell University 1990
  • MA, Liberal Studies, Dartmouth 1994
  • PhD, Engineering Sciences, Dartmouth 2001


  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Thayer School of Engineering 2015
  • Link Energy Fellowship 1997–1999

Professional Activities

  • Editorial board member, Energies
  • Editorial board member, Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining
  • Associate editor, Biotechnology for Biofuels
  • Reviewer: Bioresource Technology; Biotechnology for Biofuels; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining

Research Projects

  • Lynd Research Lab

    Lynd Research Lab

    The research lab at Dartmouth led by Professor Lee Lynd is active in research on the following topics:

    • Microbial Cellulose Utilization, including fundamental and applied aspects
    • Metabolic Engineering, focusing on thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria for fuel production
    • Innovative Biomass Processing Technologies, including development, design, and evaluation
    • Sustainable Bioenergy Futures, including resource, environment, and economic development

    We approach these topics from a diversity of academic disciplines with molecular biology, microbiology, chemical/biochemical engineering providing the foundation for the first three. Consistent with the "Pasteur's Quadrant" model articulated by Donald Stokes (Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1997), we see advancing applied capability and increased fundamental understanding as having strong potential to be convergent and mutually-reinforcing, and we aspire to work in this mode.

    A central theme of the Lynd group is processing cellulosic biomass in a single step without added enzymes. Such "consolidated bioprocessing" (CBP) is a potential breakthrough, and "is widely considered to be the ultimate low-cost configuration for cellulose hydrolysis and fermentation" (joint DOE/USDA Roadmap, 2007). We are focused on production of ethanol, a promising renewable fuel. The CBP strategy is however potentially applicable to a very broad range of fuels and chemicals.

Selected Publications


  • ENGS 25: Introduction to Thermodynamics
  • ENGS 157: Chemical Process Design
  • ENGS 172.2: Techno-economic Analysis in a Developing Country Context