Cong Chen

Assistant Professor of Engineering


Cong Chen received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. She is pursuing a Ph.D. major in Electrical Engineering and two Ph.D. minors in Operation Research and Data Science respectively. She received a B.E. degree from Wuhan University and an M.S. degree from Tsinghua University, both in Electrical Engineering. She was a Ph.D. summer intern in ISO New England in 2021.

Research Interests

Power system engineering; optimization theory; power system economics; and electricity markets


  • PhD, Electrical Engineering/Operation Research and Data Science, Cornell University
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University
  • BE, Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University


  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2024 & 2019
  • Stanford Energy Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2024
  • Cornell ECE Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, 2024
  • Prize Conference Paper Award, IEEE PESGM, 2023
  • Engineering and Applied Science Trailblazing Young Researcher, Caltech, 2023
  • Irwin and Joan Jacobs Scholar, Cornell University, 2019
  • Outstanding Graduate Student & Thesis Award, Tsinghua University, 2019
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Student & Thesis Award, Wuhan University, 2017

Selected Publications

  • C. Chen, S.Li, and L. Tong, “Multi-Interval Energy-Reserve Co-Optimization with SoC-Dependent Bids from Battery Storage," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
  • C. Chen, A. Alahmed, T. Mount, and L. Tong, “Wholesale Market Participation of DERA: Competitive DER Aggregation," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
  • C. Chen, S. Bose, T. Mount, and L. Tong, “Wholesale Market Participation of DERA: DSO-DERA-ISO Coordination,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024.
  • C. Chen, and L. Tong, “Convexifying Market Clearing of SoC-Dependent Bids From Merchant Storage Participants," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 2955-2957, May 2023.
  • C. Chen, and L. Tong, “Pricing Real-Time Stochastic Storage Operations," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 212, pp. 108606, 2022.
  • Y. Guo, C. Chen, and L. Tong, “Pricing Multi-Interval Dispatch under Uncertainty Part I: Dispatch-Following Incentives," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3865-3877, Sept. 2021.
  • C. Chen, Y. Guo, and L. Tong, “Pricing Multi-Interval Dispatch under Uncertainty Part II: Generalization and Performance,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 3878-3886, Sept. 2021.
  • S. Li, C. Chen, and L. Tong, “Convexifying Regulation Market Clearing of State-of-Charge Dependent Bid," Proc. of IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2024. (in Best Paper Session)
  • C. Chen, S. Bose, and L. Tong, “DSO-DERA Coordination for the Wholesale Market Participation of Distributed Energy Resources," Proc. of IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2023. (IEEE Prize Conference Paper Award)
  • C. Chen, X. Shen, Q. Guo, H. Sun, and S. Mohammed, “Adaptive Robust Planning-Operation Co-optimization of Energy Hubs with Modified Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm," Proc. of IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2019. (in Best Paper Session)


Pricing Energy Storage in Real-time Market